Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The other night Russ and I were in the midst of our weekly MAD MEN fix (we've been downloading the show from iTunes because we love it so and need to keep current), when suddenly I realized we were not alone.  Someone had come in through the bathroom window and was spying on us from beneath our dining room table!

Fear not, dear readers, as this burglar was only out to steal our affection.  

It was none other than our neighborhood cat:

Making himself at home

He settled right in, and wooed me into petting him.  Poor Alex was fast asleep and missed all the fun.  That child has spent so many hours chasing this kitty in our yard.  If only he had been awake to enjoy the excitement of his beloved kitty actually hanging out in our kitchen, begging for petting and snacks.

I guess we owe him a cat when we get home.  Right, Russ?


  1. I have a few you can borrow any time, to break Russ into the whole "having a cat" thing. Or at least Alex can come feast on the kitty love whenever he wants. They've survived the Watson child onslaught without drawing blood, they will do well by your wee animal lover. xoxo.

  2. I cannot wait to meet your kittehs!!!
