Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happy 21-Month Birthday Alexander!

Can I stop counting your age in months now and just say you are nearly 2?

For those of you wondering what our dude has been up to, here are some tidbits:

Since our arrival in Denmark he has gotten his first scraped knee:

As Sixten says, he's a real boy now.

And really expanded his love of eating. From the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to sleep he is either asking for food or rummaging through the cupboards in search of a snack.  "More, Banana, Plate." is regularly heard round our house, and also "OK. Cheese. Cut it." (he adds the "OK" so I know to be in agreement). Fortunately he enjoys his fruits and veggies as much as he does everything else:

Say "Peas!"

Alex loves music ("moosic") and is quite the dancer.  He has a growing repertoire of dance moves, including a slow groove, a fast boogie, and some expressive hand movements. He also loves to sing and we are working on the "ABC" song, which he will sing as "A,C,E" (so skipping every other letter for the moment), and he likes to sing "Baby Beluga" and "Kumbaya" in the sweetest voice I've ever heard (both learned from the infamous Raffi).

He also really enjoys art.  We spend a lot of time scribbling on paper and in his coloring books, and painting with watercolors and his buddha board.  He has started making up stories to go along with his artwork.  The other morning we were listening to music and he painted what looked to me like a blob, but he pointed out the various parts explaining "Funny man, Eyes, Dancing, Music."

Alex is getting very verbal, which is great because he apparently has a lot to say.  When we're at home he is usually telling me about the various things in our house:  "Mama black sweater," "Dada shoes," "Alex toys" etc.  Out in the world he will often add some surprise to the things he is noticing: "Oooh, red car!" and my favorite: Looking up in the sky and exclaiming "Oooh, Clouds!" Lately he has even been waking up talking, usually going on about "Mama, Dada, Alex."  This morning we could hear him in bed saying "Bump, Bump, Bump" and "Mike, Bike" which are references to his two favorite One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Dr. Seuss rhymes.

Our little dude is very much an animal lover and has really enjoyed chasing the neighborhood cat around our garden:

"I see you, Kitty!" 

And feeding the ducks at the nearby lake (although he usually eats most of the bread himself):

Overall, he's a pretty awesome guy.  I am so enjoying this opportunity to spend my days with him and get to know him even better.  He's such a clever and inquisitive little boy and it is really cool to watch him discover the world.

Alexander the Great
1.75 years old!


  1. Best. Kid. Around.

    Love the pictures and miss you guys!

  2. It's so great to see and read how things are going with you guys! It sounds like Alex is adapting really well, and I'm glad you're enjoying getting to spend so much time with him. Tell Russ I said "hello". Talk soon. -Justin
