Monday, September 27, 2010

Tivoli Gardens

Our zoo pass has not been the only thing keeping Alex and I busy during the week these past months.  We also bought a season pass to Tivoli Gardens, one of the oldest amusement parks in the world, and one of the cutest places I've ever visited.  I've been taking Alex nearly every week for quite some time now, and I'm very sad that yesterday was the last day of the season. :-(

At least we took full advantage while it was open.  I kept our camera very busy on our many adventures at Tivoli, so if you like pictures you are in for a treat.

Please to enjoy:

The front entrance

Rasmus Klump - The Tivoli Mascot

Happy Family

Peacock Theater

Pirate Ship
I'm thinking Walt Disney must have spent a little time in CPH, no?

Fun with a xylophone

Alex is too small for most of the rides at Tivoli, but that didn't stop him from enjoying looking at them.  We explained to him that there were people riding on the one pictured below, and any time he saw it he would exclaim "People!  Spinning round and round!"

Marveling at the spinning people.

Many our our early trips to Tivoli involved a roughly 15 minute period of watching the carousel.  I didn't take Alex on though because I wanted to wait for a visit when Russ was with us so he could take our picture.  So I have a lot of these sad photos of Alex looking forlorn as the merry-go-round takes another spin without him.

Finally, Dad joined us and Alex got to ride on the camel!

Parenting mistake #381:  I thought it would be fun to share an ice cream cone with Alex (by the way, they put jam and whip cream on ice cream cones here!?!).  Um, not so fun actually.  He had a giant tantrum over needing to hold the ice cream cone himself (Exhibit A.  Please note the blurred feet due to frantic kicking).  And as you can see in the photo below (Exhibit B), he ultimately won out in the end (parenting mistake #382).

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

A funny story from our first visit to Tivoli:  I went to take the below photo of the main entrance and as I snapped my shot I noticed that other people had jumped in front of me to take the same photo.  Hmmm.  It's a nice picture, but why so popular?  

On closer inspection (and with confirmation from our Danish friends), it turns out that Prince Joachim of Denmark and his wife were walking right toward me!:

My guess is that they were on their way to one of the two Michelin starred restaurants at Tivoli. (Side note: Copenhagen is apparently the current culinary capitol of the world with 13 Michelin starred restaurants, more than any other city in Europe.  Sadly, Alex and fancy restaurants do not mix.  Sigh.).

Another exciting time at Tivoli involved Alex and I stumbling upon a mother duck and her adorable swarm (school? pack?) of baby ducks:

This duck was actually nesting in a plant.
I mean seriously, how cute is that?

And a few more happy moments captured in pictures:

Oh Tivoli.  You magical land of fairy gardens and carnival rides and sweet treats.  What a summer we've shared, and how we shall miss you!


  1. I am perhaps (nay -- FOR SURE!) most jealous of the Tivoli Gardens of all your awesome CPH adventures. Ice cream? Rides? Beautiful surroundings? Two Michelin star restaurants? Baby ducks?!?! That is awesome. AWESOME.

  2. What she said. Absurdly *awesome* on all counts.

    Plus totally dying over the blurry feet and the satisfied kind of "what?" clutching that huge jam filled cone. Dy. Ing.
